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    The Night Audit Guide V 5.0

    Section 1
    1.1 Login
    Section 2
    2.1 The Final Balance Report
    2.2 YY1’s
    Section 3
    3.1 Room Rate Variance Report
    3.2 What To Look For
    Section 4
    4.1 Things To Do Before The Audit Is Run
    Section 5
    5.1 Putting The System Down
    5.2 Fakeinit
    5.3 Power Down
    Section 6
    6.1 Running The Night Audit
    6.2 The Pre Audit Tape
    6.3 The Post Audit Tape
    6.4 Finishing Up
    6.5 The Post Audit
    6.6 Night Audit Reports
    Section 7
    7.1 Special Days
    7.2 Sunday Night
    7.3 Wednesday Night
    Section 8
    8.1 Credit Cards
    Section 9
    9.1 Reports for lazy managers
    Section 1
    1.1 Login
    First put the computer(s) in to audit mode.

    Escape out of every screen

    Quit Encore. Hit escape, a prompt will come up that says: “exit from the Encore application? (y/n)”.

    Hit y, then enter.

    At the login prompt type in audit1 and/or audit2.

    Then enter your encore login.

    Section 2
    2.1 The Final Balance Report
    Check the thingie by the printer to the right. Look in the top one labeled “Banquet Tickets & Corrections”.

    Grab the direct bills in the bottom. Look to see if they (the front desk) have balanced.

    Print the Final Balance Report (5-3-5-y-s-n-n-y). The first couple of pages are what we want to concentrate on for balancing purposes of the direct bills.

    If direct bills do not balance first check if there are any YY1’s.

    2.2 YY1’s
    YY1’s appear on the Final Balance Report under the id column. YY1’s are the result of people checking out of the TV in their room.

    To get YY1’s out of the system and out of the direct bill totals you to post the room balance to the credit card.

    Go in to the departed guest screen (3-1-3).

    To post the balance to the credit card hit 3 to post.

    Enter c to post to the credit card.

    Section 3
    3.1 Room Rate Variance Report
    The purpose of this Room Rate Variance (5-2-2-1-1-enter-s-n-n-y) is to find variances in room rates. The frontdesk is supposed to do this, but not always does.
    3.2 What To Look For
    Here are a few things to look for when looking at this report.

    Look under the regular and quote columns.

    If these rates don’t match you want to fix it so the quoted rate matches the regular rate.

    If rooms are being shared the above the is not always correct.

    You also need to check the desc line at the check in or change a room screen (2-1).

    Section 4
    4.1 Things To Do Before The Audit Is Run
    There is a few reports you can run before the audit.

    Run a reservation list (5-1-1-1-mmddyy-#days-2-1-s-n-n-y).

    Run a vacant room list (5-4-3-1-4-enter-s-n-n-y).

    Run a guest list (5-2-1-1-y-enter-297-enter-s-n-n-y).

    These reports will be needed while the computer is down and when it’s running the audit.
    Section 5
    5.1 Putting The System Down
    Before you put the system down and in to single user mode.

    Escape out of the system so you are looking at a big E. Hit escape and enter y to exit Encore on each computer. You will see this prompt:


    SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2

    Do this to every computer.
    5.2 Fakeinit
    At the login prompt type in encadm and hit enter. This is only done at the main computer in back. This computer is referred to as the console. This brings you to the Encore Administration Menu.

    Put the system into fakeinit. Fakeinit is the single user mode. While fakeinit is active the restaurant and bar can not post.

    At the admin menu prompt type in fakeinit and hit enter. Type y when it asks you if you want to exit multi-user mode.

    If any computers are still up when you enter fakeinit you will get a message reminding you.

    5.3 Power Down
    At a point when you know that the bar has finished posting you can do a power down. It’s important to remember to do this only after you know the bar is closed and posted.

    At the Encore Admin Menu type in powerdwn and hit enter.

    If any of the computers are still up you will get a warning message to put them down.

    The computer will take a minute or two then you will get asked if you want to continue.

    Type y for yes and the computer will do it’s power down routine.

    When the computer is done it will tell you that it is ok to power off or to hit any key to reboot.

    We want to power off, so turn off the power of the tape drive (on the back of the unit) and then turn off the console’s power.

    Then all you have to do is power back up. First turn on the tape drive (or the computer will not recognize it is there). and then hit the power button on the console.
    Section 6
    6.1 Running The Night Audit
    The night audit consist of two phases. First the pre audit and then the post audit.
    6.2 The Pre Audit Tape
    First a word of warning. Do not do the audit on the console in the back. At the prompt(see section 5.1) enter in audit1 or audit2. At the main Encore menu hit 6. You will be asked twice if you want to start the main audit. Hit y both times to start the main audit. Then to start the main night audit hit 1. You will get a warning to make sure all the other computers are logged off. You will get two prompts asking you if you are sure you want to start the night audit. After you answer yes the second time you are committed to doing the audit. There is no going back. Hit enter to start the night audit.

    At this point the computer will run some system tests and you will be asked to insert the first tape.

    After you put the first tape in the tape drive hit enter.

    You will be asked to enter the number given. Do so and again hit enter to continue.

    It is important to note that each tape also has two phases. First Encore gets all of it’s data ready and then writes that information to the tape, this takes about a half hour. You will get a warning beep and be asked to hit enter to continue. Then when Encore has all of it’s data it wrote to the tape it double checks that the information is correct, which takes another half hour. So each tape takes a hour. And the whole night audit process takes just about two hours.
    6.3 The Post Audit Tape
    The post audit is really the same as above in section 6.2 The Pre Audit Tape.
    6.4 Finishing Up
    After the audit is done running you will get a prompt that lets you know that the audit is done. It says:
    The main audit is now complete-
    you may now return the system to
    multi-user mode and run the post
    Press enter to continue…
    Press enter to continue.
    6.5 The Post Audit
    First don’t confuse the Post Audit with the Post Audit Tape. Two different things. The Post Audit is ran by hitting 6-6. This is a simple process and the computer does all the work for you. This is essential if you want to be able to print all of the night audit reports.
    6.6 Night Audit Reports
    There are two sets of night audit reports that have to be ran. First the Main Night Audit Reports (5-9-2-1-1-1-s-n-n-y) and then the Post Audit Reports (5-9-2-1-1-2-s-n-n-y). Time on these vary, depending on the number of guests.
    Section 7
    7.1 Special Days
    There are two days that you have to do extra steps to complete the night audit.
    7.2 Sunday Night
    On every Sunday after the second night audit tape has ran you will be prompted to insert the crash tape. There isn’t much for you to do. Put the crash tape in the tape drive and hit enter.

    Be aware that the crash tape takes an additional hour to complete. The crash tape must be completed to finish the night audit.

    7.3 Wednesday Night
    On every Wednesday you are prompted to do the EDT Billing Archive backup. After the Post Audit (section 6.5) has finished you will be prompted to insert the EDT billing tape. Here is what the actual prompt tells you:
    EDT Billing file archive program
    Press esc to bypass or Enter to continue.
    At this point hit escape to quit this. It will ask you to insert the tape and then hit enter to continue. Do not do this. This process takes three to five minutes. When the EDT backup is done you will get a message telling you to tap enter to continue with the Night Audit process.
    Section 8
    8.1 Credit Cards
    To balance the credit cards for the front desk use this procedure. First you must print an Awaiting Settlement report (func/enter(blue key)-3-1-1-1 using the credit card machine. At the bottom of this report you will see totals by credit card type. You must balance this with the encore totals which can be found on the Final Balance Report (5-3-5-y-s-n-n-y). You must add the visa and mastercard totals together on the credit card report to balance to the Final Balance Report .

    To settle the credit card you must use the credit card machine. To do this hit settle(no. 9)-1-enter-enter total-enter. The credit card machine will do it’s business and a report will print out. Put the two credit cards with the encore folios.

    Section 9
    9.1 Reports for lazy managers
    After the audit reports are complete there are additional reports to print. These reports are for the managers to lazy to print their own reports. The majority of these reports are done from the same place you printed the night audit reports. You want to enter 5-9-2-1-3 for reprinting reports. Unless the report has a AP0 before you enter in the exact numbers as indicated as if starting from the main encore menu.

    GM Reports

    AP061055 Control Report

    AP061020 Room & Tax Postings

    AP061021 Additional Postings

    5-3-6-2-y-s-n-n-y Advance Deposits Report

    Sales Reports

    AP061020 Room & Tax Postings

    5-6-1-2-s-n-n-y Rm Statistics By Market Segment

    FDM Report’s

    AP065010 No Show Report

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